Medical Triage/Telemedicine

Telephonic Triage – Telemedicine – Onsite Services

Since 2008, Medcor has been a trusted Partner of Heffernan’s Consulting Division. In 2022, they kept 42% of our HIB client’s claims from becoming reportable. With their service offerings expanding into Telemedicine, Onsite Services, and Wellness Programs our ability to help our clients with their workers’ compensation frequency issues continues to increase. HIB is one of the few brokerage firms with a special pricing and services contract with Medcor that allows us to offer our clients a very cost effective and proactive risk mitigation tool. It also allows us to provide our clients with an investigative tool, as all Medcor calls are recorded, should a claim go awry. With their service offerings expanding into Telemedicine and Onsite Services, our ability to help our clients with their frequency issues continues to increase. HIB is currently the only broker with a special pricing and services contract with Medcor that allows us to offer our clients a very cost effective and proactive risk management tool. It also allows us to provide them with an investigative tool, as all Medcor calls are recorded, should a claim go awry.

Request Services

Should you wish to engage Medcor services or have any additional questions, please email

To request services, you will need to provide the clients name, client EPIC Code, client contact information, mode of payment as well as what service you would like to implement for them (Telephonic Medical Triage, Telemedicine or Onsite).

Should you or your client need additional information or would like to discuss how Medcor would work for them please contact our Consulting team at to get something set up.

Medcor Demo Videos

CarivaCare is a workers’ compensation medical triage company that starts with a telephonic triage call with a nurse. During the initial triage call, the nurse will ascertain whether the incident can be relieved via telephonic self-care instructions, or if more care is needed in the form of an onsite visit from an EMT to provide, a Telemedicine visit with an occupational doctor or if a visit to a “brick and mortar” occupational clinic would be best. Special pricing for Heffernan clients has been pre-negotiated and our clients can pay on a “per use” basis. There are no minimums or maximums for this service. Please see the attachments below for more information.

Should you wish to receive additional information, including a live demo or pricing, please reach out to

Should you wish to engage services, please click here to complete the questionnaire

In the Workers’ Compensation arena, the use of Telemedicine offers the benefits of convenience, accessibility, improved outcomes, early intervention, and cost-effectiveness for our clients. But, most importantly, it allows injured workers to receive immediate care from the appropriate medical professional. Concentra is the nation’s largest and leading occupational health provider with the commitment to “improving the health of America’s workforce, one patient at a time” – Concentra Telemedicine for Work Injury Care – Concentra . While you can utilize Concentra’s Telemedicine platform directly, HIB Consulting highly recommends that it be paired with a telephonic triage service like Medcor or CarivaCare. In doing so, you add one extra step of “risk transfer” to-the-mix by allowing their medical professionals, plus years of data analytics, to determine if an industrial incident would be a good fit for virtual treatment. To learn more, please feel free to reach out to your Heffernan Executive Consultant or e-mail us at