Compliance Management Powered by TrustLayer

Our Compliance Management service allows us to assist our clients in enhancing and streamlining their third-party compliance needs while mitigating their overall risk. We partner our insurance expert with some amazing technology (TrustLayer) to not only help our clients manage their risk but save tons of time while doing so.

We will have three levels of this service available…

  • Self-Service – Access Only to the TrustLayer platform with the client self-administering their compliance program.
  • Full-Service – Our team supports our clients throughout this process. From onboarding, to the development of compliance profiles to active COI review by a HIB Insurance Professional.
  • Hybrid-Services – Clients can pick and choose exactly where they need support from us and where they wish to self-administer the program.


The cost of this service is contingent upon the number of 3rd parties being tracked; the level of service selected by a client as well as the information available to manage the onboarding process. Should you wish to receive additional information, see a demo of the platform and/or receive a quote for services please email